Friday, September 9, 2011

Not Good Enough

Well, this week has been a roller coaster! It started out well and as the days came and went I lost all motivation. The husband is gone, and thankfully will be back tomorrow! I just have been feeling overloaded, I can't keep up! Between gardening/canning, horses(feeding,bathing, and cleaning stalls), homework, kids in general, housework, church activties...I feel so stressed out! I feel like I am drowning! I am hoping things get better with having my honey back. He will be able to help with the horses at least! I do not know how mothers can do it all!! I am trying to get a better schedule going but having a hard time. I just feel like I am not (haven't been) good enough in my mommy role. My question to you do you deal with your stress? How do you get it all done(do you stay up super late or get up super early) also how do you get out of your funk?? Any secrets?! Please share them! And you list makers out there, any tips on how to make a better schedule/list? Thanks!

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