Monday, November 10, 2008


This life is the most wonderful life! I have the most beautiful daughter one could have, she is my life and joy. She brings a smile to my face every morning, every minute of the day! I love to play with her and read books, our favorite are Dr. Seuss! 
Briley is always so full of laughter and joy! Always has a smile on her face. She loves school and loves to do her homework!

We love the outdoors and will go fishing whenever we can!!
When daddy is here of course!!
I thought life was wonderful before Briley came into our lives, which it was, but this...mommyhood...beyond anything I could have ever imagined!!! I wake up to the cutest little smiling face, saying "mommy did you sleep good?, did you have good dreams?"  
My life makes perfect sense now, to be a mommy to my little princess, and hopefully a little prince soon!!
Justin is the best husband and the best father, he loves to play with briley and take us camping/fishing!  I love our tickle fights, and I love our family, we may not be perfect, but we are 'us' and we love each other and care for each other. We love each other for who we are. And thats all I could ask for in this life, that someone love me for me. 

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